9am-noon OR 2pm-5pm sessions available
Welcome to the “INTERNCHIPS Virtual Career Prep Bootcamp”! Please see the linked flier above and share this information with parents, students, homeschoolers, youth organizations, churches and community members!
This is a FREE Pre-ETS (Pre-Employment Transition Services) program offered in partnership with the Tennessee Department of Human Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and CHIPS Learning Services, for students ages 14-22 with IEP, 504 or eligible disability.
The camp will be held Monday-Friday, July 26-30, 2021 and offers campers a choice of morning or afternoon half day sessions. Spaces are limited and class sizes are kept small to assure quality learning experiences.
This 21st century "hybrid" program offers CCTE (College, Career and Technical Education) and integrates online teaching with onsite learning. It is designed to serve students both virtually and remotely while at their host site.
Students will be both intern - and future-ready with college, career and STEAM education. They will also receive transition portfolio training with tools and topics such as:
Job Shadowing (Job Exploration)
Resume Building (Workplace Readiness)
Informational Interviewing (Self-Advocacy)
Professional Networking (Work-Based Learning)
Pathway Planning (Post-Secondary College and Career Planning)
To sign up please use the "Sign Up Here!" box on this page and we will get back with you as soon as possible with the necessary forms for registration.
To learn more about the documents needed for registration and eligibility for FREE camp, please see the "About Pre-ETS" section below…
About Pre-ETS
The CHIPS Future-Ready Job Skills Bootcamp is a summer learning enrichment program that is also an extension of our CHIPS Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS).
CHIPS Pre-ETS is offered during the academic school year to students in Hamilton County, Bradley County and other surrounding county schools. Our services are also offered at the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center (TRC) in Smryna, Tennessee.
Pre-ETS is designed to serve students ages 14-22 with disabilities FREE of charge, provided a student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or documented disability with a permission form. This service is made possible through a grant by the Department of Tennessee Human Services Vocational Rehabilitation, with whom we partner.
The five areas of training in Pre-ETS are:
Job Exploration
Workplace Readiness
Work-based Learning
Post-Secondary College and Career Counseling
After signing up with your email address and other details, we will send you a parent/guardian permission form to complete and return to us, along with the first page of your child's IEP.
We will then forward your information to our local Chattanooga Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) office representative. Once we hear back from them, we will let you know next steps regarding registering your child.
Please know, we will need to have at least four (4) students registered in order to offer the camp.
You may send your information as a scanned email attachment or via regular postal mail to CHIPS Learning Services. Should you wish to fax or postal mail us, please let us know in advance by calling 423.421.5646.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please let us know. Also, please feel free to pass on this information to others and invite friends to join you!
Thank you, again, for your interest in CHIPS Learning Services! We look forward to serving you!